St Peter's, Milton Lilbourne Bells Renovation Project has been completed!

The bells of St Peter's Church in Milton Lilbourne have been ringing out for over 200 years. Just like a car, from time to time they need essential servicing and maintenance. Unlike a car the period between major “servicing” is usually several decades – or even centuries!

The firm of Robert Wells at Aldbourne clearly did an excellent job when it cast and installed St Peter’s current ring of bells in 1789, since they lasted in good condition for around 200 years before needing some attention and running-repairs in 1976 - and still sound out joyfully across the village since then! 

Finally however time and wear & tear, and decay have taken their toll and, like any mechanical device, they were in need of refurbishment to keep them ringing tunefully and safely. 

We worked with the Milton Lilbourne PCC and were successful in gaining the necessary approvals and funding (over £85k) for a Bells Restoration Project in two parts: 

  1. to replace the existing dilapidated bell-frame (whilst preserving the ancient timber beams which support it) and install ball-bearings upon which the bells can rotate; 
  2. to repair the wear and tear on the six bells themselves, re-tuning them to perfect pitch. 

All of this means that bell ringing will be able to continue in Milton Lilbourne for the next 100 years or more, and we have preserved a part of the community’s heritage!

Our Bells Renovation Project works got underway in Sept 2018,, the new bell-frame and refurbished bells were fitted by Taylor's Bell Founders (aided by local volunteers) in December 2018, and we are delighted to report that our test-ring was completed on Friday 4th January 2019!

Our newly-refurbished bells were re-dedicated by Archdeacon Sue Groom on Sunday 20th January 2019.

Click here to see more details, photos and videos of how our

 2018 Bells Renovation Project progressed

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